Welcome to the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco - Ross Auxiliary

The principal purpose of the Ross Auxiliary is to broaden the base of membership in the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (FAMSF), which supports the de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park and the Legion of Honor in Lincoln Park.

The organization supports museum activities by volunteering during Bouquets to Art, underwriting demonstration lectures and making independent donations to the Education department and other museum programs, and encouraging membership in FAMSF by offering art-oriented programs.

Ross Auxiliary is one of several active Bay Area Auxiliaries supporting the mission of FAMSF. To learn more about the auxiliaries, please visit FAMSF.


Upcoming Events

What We Do:

  • Promote new memberships and maintain membership interest in the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (FAMSF).

  • Donate to the Museums both as individuals and as a group.

  • Assist with the annual FAMSF Bouquets to Art event.

  • Underwrite Bouquets to Art lectures, as well as help to fund special exhibitions, conservation projects, and educational programs at FAMSF.

  • Educate and encourage our members in the appreciation and knowledge of art.